Sunday, April 12, 2009


well, this past week i had the opportunity to travel to san antonio to do some missions work with a group of students from our bcm. and it was an amazing experience, the lord truly moved.

we spent some time working in a soup kitchen that serves a free meal in the mornings to the people of san antonio. and when the people come for the meal they are required to sign their name so the the kitchen could keep track of how many had been served.

as we were flipping through the pages getting a count (we served 214 meals that day) i saw something interesting. one of the people had signed their name "Jesus" in the penmenship resembling that of a third grader. whether this was a joke or if it was someone's actual name (the majority of the people we served were hispanic, so its possible) i dont know, but God brought some scripture to mind that really made me think.

Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.–Matt. 18:20

The king will answer them, 'I tell you with certainty, since you did it for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me.' -
Matt. 25:40

Jesus was there

we were there in his name, and serving the "least of these"

he was there. in downtown san antonio. in a soup kitchen

thank you Lord for being an all powerful God who is willing to be among broken people.